How Solar Panels Work - Overview

How Do Solar Panels Work
How Do Solar Panels Work. To know about how solar panels work, you should know that there are two types of solar panels available. One type produces the electricity and other produces heat. Each type of these solar panels having own working mechanism. 

The first type of solar panels that produces electricity called as photovoltaic cell system, uses a semi-conductor material (silicon), and when silicon interacts with sunlight, it can generate direct current of electricity. Because of this working mechanism, these panels type only work when sunlight is available in the day time.

This type is flat panels designed to convert the suns energy into electricity. The more flat surface for the sun to strike, the more potential for heat (energy) will be produced. These panels consist of a semiconductor compound such as silicone which is specifically suited to absorbing the sun energy.

Photovoltaic cells or PV cells serves to direct the freed electrons in a specific direction - creating a current with at least one electric field. Now you have an electric current and the current can be drawn off to be used externally by attaching metal contacts on the top and bottom of the cell. Next, by combining negative and positive charges to create free flowing electrons can generate the electricity.

Meanwhile the other type of solar panels which is produce heat, takes the sun's thermal energy through thermal collectors to heat oil or water. Commonly, these panels use coils and plastic piping, and the liquid that runs through the coils are heated by the sun to pass on energy.

You need to utilize batteries to store the excessive electricity to power your home on unpleasant days or at nights with the photovoltaic cell system. You could use the lead-acid batteries that are used in cars for cheap option or the absorbent glass mat batteries for more expensive batteries. Also gel batteries are good choices if you live in a cold area since in low temperature, these batteries do not freeze.

Both types of solar panels require direct sunlight to function at their maximum capacity and use a glass frame to hold the collection cells. Even if solar panels can be utilize to tap the sun's energy anywhere, in places where cloudy weather dominates they obviously do not work effectively throughout the year.

Factors that affect the solar panel performance

The work of solar panels depends on the amount of sunlight striking the panels. Here are the influential factors that affect the performance of solar panel :

  1. The climate. The climate will determine the amount of sunlight that will reach the solar panel. Generally, if the weather is not good or like in rainy seasons will limit the sunlight hitting your panel.
  2. Hours of daytime. Basically, sunlight is only available during daytime. So the longer daylight hours-more sunlight will be entering your panel.
  3. Sun's placement. In summer seasons when the sun is set high in the sky, more rays will be striking the panel compared when the sun in low in winter seasons.

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