Global Warming Facts - Overview

global warming facts

Global warming Facts. Knowing about the global warming facts will help to realize why it has become such a controversial and important issue around the world. Initial research on the global warming is now being reevaluated and questioned by researchers.
This topic demonstrates that raising temperatures are having an impact on Arctic region. The ice from Arctic region, act as a natural "air conditioner" for the earth. As these ice continues to melt, significantly its “air conditioner” ability to cool the earth is reduced, and it will rise the temperatures.

Slowly, the ice is transforming into liquid form or water as the rise of the temperature. Approximately, every decade since 1978, 9% of arctic ice pack has shrunk. Considering it continues to thin by 9% every decade, it will completely vanish in the end of this century.
The increased of the temperature will give negative impact for everything in the earth. The animal for example, will find their habitat warmer for the existence than before especially which only fit in lower temperature habitat area.

The ocean’s global circulation patterns or known as thermohaline circulation. Basically it disperses tropical heat around and essentially this circulation process regulates temperatures around the world. The global warming will cause tremendous changes and could be completely alter this process.
Every day researchers uncover new global warming facts by conducting some experiments. The global warming fact information is needed to know human contribution and identifying what we can do to reduce this effect.

Here are some global warming facts :
Fact1: Melting ice in the polar south & north
The global warming has a direct effect on the continued melting of ice in the Polar Regions south and north  poles. Ice in Greenland has melted almost 19 million tons! And the amount of ice in the Arctic in the summer time of 2007 only a fifty percent from 4 years previously!

Facts 2: The rise of the sea surface level
Melting of ice in the polar south and north poles have a direct effect on increasing sea levels. Many experts estimate if the whole Greenland melts, it will rise up the sea level to 7 meters.

Facts 3: Weather getting extreme/Climate Change
NASA states that the global warming impact on the more extreme changes in climate change or weather in the earth. The change of rainfall pattern can be estimated without causing flooding in one place, but the drought in another places. Tropical storms and typhoons will emerge with a tendency more and stronger.

Facts 4: Heat Waves in the world become more extreme
Global warming cause heat waves become more intense and more frequent.
Heat waves attack affects some of victims died , turn out hundreds of damaging crops, freshwater fish, killed cattle and triggering a great forest fire.

Facts 5: End of Glacier- source of Clean Water
The melting of glaciers endanger world water supply, and in the long period will contribute rising sea water level of the earth, and unfortunately that is what happened lately.
According to NASA, the number of glaciers in various parts of the world who lost since 1960 to 2005 no less than 8,000 cubic meters-Now, their scientist realized that the increase of sea water level and the increases of temperature globally are evidence that our planet is continuously getting heat.

The Climate Change and Global Warming Facts

 The facts of global warming :
  • Since 1880 average temperatures have rised 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) all over the world.
  • The rate of warming is rising.
  • The Arctic is feeling the result essentially the most.
  • Arctic ice is rapidly melting, and by 2040 or perhaps earlier the region could have the first completely ice-free summer.
  • Mountain snows and glaciers are hurriedly disappearing-for instance.
  • Are Human beings Causing Global Warming?
  • Air pollution, deforestation and industrialization.
  • The people are pouring more carbon dioxide to the environment much faster if compare with plants as well as oceans could take in it.
  • Many experts indicate that organic cycles in Earth's orbit could alter the planet's exposure to sunlight.
  • What's going to Happen?
  • Estimated, in the century's end Sea level would increase within 7 and 23 inches (18 to 59 centimeters).
  • Sea levels to mount while making water shortages in parts relying on overflow for fresh water because glaciers all over the world could diminish.
  • Strong hurricanes, heat waves, wildfires, droughts, along with natural disasters may come to be commonplace in many places of the world.
  • Over a million species in the world face extinction from disappearing habitat, acidifying oceans and shifting ecosystems.

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