Global Warming Definition

Definition of globaal warming
Global Warming Definition. The definition of global warming is the increase of temperature average of the sea, land and atmosphere. The earth is warming rapidly today. Greenhouse effect happened because the burning of fossil fuels release the greenhouse gases. Greenhouse radiation leak from the sun is short wave radiation, but the reflection of solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface will be hold and then changes to long wave radiation.

Generally, the state industrial countries such as UK, France, USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and Canada are the biggest producer of greenhouse gas, so they are also most responsible countries for Global warming effect. Because the fact of climate in each country is different and consists of subtropics and tropics, so global warming effects that occurred in each country is also different. In the Subtropics country where has 4 seasons, the impact of global warming changes occur in the more extreme temperatures during winter and summer. Temperature is colder during winter and temperatures over summer during summer. This impact caused the global warming that is very diverse impact on human health, animal, plant, the weather, agricultural and higher sea front.

Temperature in the winter and the evening will increase because of global warming. Global warming will make hurricane storms occur more frequently and more ice in the poles will melt.
Basically, Globalwarming continuation in the coming years and increase of the earth's average temperature.
As the increase of earth's average temperature, effects in its sea water level and landmasses become apparent. Along with glaciers, polar ice caps melt contribute to warmer and higher sea levels. If global warming continues unabated, it is estimated that at the end of the century sea levels can increase from 4 inches to a high of about 40 inches.

Here are some gases that prevent heat from escaping from the Earth's atmosphere or also known as Greenhouse gases:
1.      Carbon Dioxide is minor quantity but important part of the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide block infrared radiation reflected off the Earth's surface from leaving the atmosphere, because of that carbon dioxide will prevent heat from escaping earth.
2.      Methane is gas that produced through the decomposition of waste (in landfills, animal waste, and decomposition of food in animal and human digestive systems). Methane is created by the production and distribution of oil, coal and natural gas. Also, this gas is produced by incomplete combustion of fossil-fuel.
3.      Nitrous Oxide - Another gas produced through the use of natural fertilizers, commercial fertilizers and fossil fuel combustion (trucks, cars, buses, airplanes, and conventional power plants, to name a few).
4.      Chlorofluorocarbons or commonly referred to as CFC gases. These gasses are produced primarily by our industries, and are used for products such as electronic circuit boards, styrofoam, refrigerants, spray-can propellants and many more.
5.      Water Vapor is completely natural. Water vapor is caused by the sun evaporating water from the oceans.

As you can see methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide are produced mainly by human resources. Generally chlorofluorocarbons are exclusively produced by industrial installations.

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